Web3 Carbon Forwards
Early funding for carbon
projects at fair terms

Supported by
Scale voluntary carbon removals to meet the planet’s climate goals
Market challenges
Unfavorable financing terms for early-stage projects on the voluntary carbon market

Lack of available instruments for investors to participate in forward carbon financing

No transparent price discovery
What are carbon forwards?
Carbon forwards are tokens issued by early-stage carbon removal projects and representing the to-be-issued voluntary carbon credits. By selling such carbon forwards, projects get early financing. Investors purchase carbon at a discount.
How it all works
Vlinder onboards developers of nature-based carbon removal projects that plan to be certified for the voluntary carbon markets and receive carbon credits, provides them with a service for tokenization, and facilitates sales of forward carbon
Projects apply for tokenization, get their risks assessed and receive early investments at fair terms
Investors participate in forward carbon tokens price upside with attractive return
Carbon Launchpad
Tokenization platform for early-stage funding of carbon removal projects
Carbon Franc
Mobile app for retail carbon investing

AppStore · GooglePlay
We are economists and environmentalists, engineers, and data analysts of 5 nationalities
What we did:
First mobile-only decentralized exchange, first security token offering in 2016
First tokenized carbon credits in 2016
First tree-planting drone and drone-based carbon monitoring operational in 5 countries in 2017
First NatCap token offering in 2017

Vlinder AG, Landstrasse 121, 9490 Vaduz — Liechtenstein,

UID: CHE-459.022.791

© Vlinder 2022